Public Notice
In accordance with Section 26 of the Community Charter, the Town of Smithers intends to dispose of the following lands to the Bulkley Valley Bowmen Association by way of a 10 (ten) year Lease to, to expire on February 28, 2035, at $2,000 per year (for years one through 10) for archery club purposes.
Commonly known as the southeast portion of the Fall Fair Grounds, and legally known as Section 20, Township 4, R5 that part of NW ¼ Lying West of Bulkley River.
This is not a tender nor a request for offers. Further information, including a map of the leased lands, can be obtained by contacting David Schroeter, Director of Corporate Services at (250) 847-1600, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday.